First Visit to Advanced Reproductive Medicine, April 22, 2013

Marshall and I drove down from Casper to Denver in a crazy snow/ice storm to make this appointment.  We had to leave the house around 6am to make the appointment.  All morning, we had been checking the road reports, which said that the roads were clear.  If we had known the actual condition of the roads, we probably would have rescheduled!

Oh well, we made it!

My intent of this visit was to determine my chances of being able to have children naturally given my Type 1 diabetes, hypothyroidism, possible PCOS, possible bicornuate uterus, my lack of regular ovulation, and the fact that I hadn’t conceived despite being off birth control for 5 years (!!!).

During this visit, the FNP and MD both took a very detailed record of my reproductive history, which has been fairly uneventful!  I wasn’t expecting this, but they decided to do a transvaginal ultrasound on me that day to see if I actually have PCOS.  The good news is that I don’t!  My ovaries looked perfect, and my follicle count was as expected for my age.  Great news!

My thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were elevated (I have hypothyroidism), indicating that I was still not getting enough thyroid hormone. So, they upped my Levothyroxine dose.

I was told that I would need an MRI of my uterus to determine my uterine shape.  I had already had an HSG done back in 2012 at my regular OB’s office, which led him to believe that my uterus is bicornuate or septated.  Bad new is that they couldn’t do this MRI down in Denver on the same day and my repro doc insisted that we couldn’t have this done in Casper either –  I would have to come back to Denver at a later date for this MRI.  (8 hour roundtrip for me!-ugh).

I was able to schedule my uterine MRI for Friday, May 24th.